You share your manuscript with us
Using Turnitin, we scan it for plagiarism and determine the similarity index. The software compares the contents of your manuscript with over 38 million scholarly articles, books, and conference proceedings*
We share the report with recommendations for your revision. After the scan is complete, our publication experts provide you with a report that recommends the relevant corrective action, depending on the seriousness of the issue.
If you opt for this service, you will receive the Turnitin report with similarity index and a report produced by our experts with suggestions to reduce the similarity.
We can help you identify the sentences of plagiarism and suggest measures that can help you reduce the similarity index. However, we will not rewrite any sections of your manuscript as this will have to be done by you.
After the scan, our experts will assess the Turnitin report, check for the similarity index, and highlight the sections that are absolutely required for paraphrasing.